Special Education Programs
Connections Program
The Connections Program supports students displaying chronic, extreme and pervasive behaviours. Students require close and constant adult supervision and a high level of structure to function in an educational setting. The goals of the Connections program are to develop and demonstrate positive behaviour and social skills while working towards academic success and full/partial integration into the inclusive classroom setting. This is achieved through the provision of a small classroom environment with clearly articulated expectations, routines and supports for positive behaviours.
Please visit the District Specialized Programming website for more information.
Interactions Program
The Interactions Program is designed to meet the special education needs of the student with Autism Spectrum Disorders who have difficulty with social relationships, behaviour and communication. Programming is based on individual needs and is supported by a smaller, structured classroom environment with the use of visual aids and hands on learning, predictable routines, the teaching of social skills and recognition of positive behaviours.
Please visit the District Specialized Programming website for more information.
Opportunity Program
The Opportunity Program provides support to students with mild cognitive disabilities and significant academic delays. Programming emphasizes development of literacy and numeracy skills and the application of academic, social and life skills in the classroom, school and community. This is achieved through a smaller classroom environment focusing on flexible instruction, use of assistive supports and a slower pace of targeted instruction.
Please visit the District Specialized Programming website for more information.