Alternative Programs
Academic Enrichment Program
The Academic Enrichment Program at T.D. Baker offers motivated students rigorous academic experiences by deepening their learning in the core subjects of Mathematics, Science, English Language Arts, and Social Studies. Students will engage with enriched coursework while striving for academic achievement. This program is an opportunity to explore different ways of thinking and engage in higher levels of learning as global citizen leaders.
Academic Enrichment students:
- demonstrate self-motivation, enjoy a challenge and synthesizing information all while being an independent and responsible learner.
- demonstrate characteristics of high academic achievement that would have the current school, in consultation with their parents, recommend the program as an appropriate learning environment for them.
- Parental support and commitment is encouraged.
- Between February 3rd and March 19th, log onto SchoolZone and select T.D. Baker as your child’s preferred school, and select the Academic Enrichment Program under the Program section.
- Contact your child’s teacher and ask them to fill out the T.D. Baker AEP recommendation form that was sent to their school.
- As per Edmonton Public Schools’ policy, students are only eligible if they are:
- enrolled in Grades 7 to 9
- motivated to achieve and enjoy challenges
- demonstrating above-average academic achievement
- recommended to the program by their current school, in consultation with their parents
- Parents will be contacted by T.D. Baker staff prior to March 19th regarding their child’s eligibility for the program.
Placement in this alternative program will follow our Division’s enrolment priorities outlined here:
NOTE: For our alternative Academic Enrichment program classes, we accept students in the following order:
- Resident students who live in T.D. Baker’s attendance area.
- Siblings of students currently in a TDB AEP class and who will be returning to T.D. Baker for the 2025-2026 school year.
- Other resident students.
- Other non-resident students.
- If we have more students interested in this program than we have available spaces, we will complete a Random Selection process outlined here:
- All parents will be notified no later than April 11, 2025 about AEP placement.
What if I have further questions?
T.D. Baker will be hosting our Open House on February 26th, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. There will be an AEP information session prior to the Open House, starting at 5:15 pm for all interested families.
For further information, please contact the school at or at 780-462-5496